Sunday, October 29, 2006

30/ 365

Bens' evangelism talks
Already getting excited about our Carol Service!

Walking / getting lost around Verginia Water lake...
Sam frolicking
Calling out to strangers
Naomi Cheif Mocha Chocca Late Beth Tostevin
Adam, Sam and Phil hiding from the Aston when it stopped after they had stood and clapped as it passed!!!
Phil recording on his camera...... one love water!

Getting to properly know the freshers!

Praying and prayed for
Amazed at how people notice things and how God speaks through people all the time.

Getting home after all! Ed not knowing left from right and me being am i expected to be able to read with no light and no glasses?!!

well done Kate, good one!


Dave said...

It was Chief Mungo Martin - duh! He carved the totem pole and gave it to the Queen in 1958 in commemoration of the creation of British Columbia in 1858.

It was 30 metres tall and had a man with a hat at the top.

I am a loser.

NaomiBeth said...

haha! brilliant! i knew it was something like that!

Anonymous said...

Actually it was "Man with a BIG hat".
